Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What is Reiki?

I think I've forgotten an essential post here. For you, reading this who would like to know more about Reiki, I will attempt to describe it to you here. Really, the best way to understand Reiki is to experience a treatment or to attend a level one (shoden) class.

What is Reiki?
As I mentioned in a previous post, (Introductions.) The word Reiki is a composite between two Japanese words "Rei" and "Ki" which when translated and put together essentially means "universal life force energy". "Reiki ho" simply refers to the method that we use to utilize this energy. ("ho" meaning method") The kanji symbols at the top of this post are those that refer to "Rei" (top symbol) and "Ki" (bottom symbol).
This post however, is more about what Reiki can do for you and your surroundings.
What can Reiki do for you?
Reiki heals on three levels, mind, body and spirit.
When we receive a Reiki treatment, it is usually the mind which is first healed, allowing the physical body to be healed after that. The reason is that a lot of our bodily symptoms are actually physical manifestations of lacking or dark spots of high vibration energy in our systems. These are usually caused by issues involving our minds. For instance, if we have been injured physically, our mind's attachment to the injury can actually slow down the healing process. The application of Reiki can help to speed it up again.
The third way that Reiki helps us, mostly comes with attunements. While treatments will help to grow your spirituality, nothing is more effective than the meditative practices that we learn in class even at the first "shoden" level. The spiritual growth that is experienced, can be related to any type of relious, spiritual or philosophical belief system that you have previous held. No new belief system ever needs to be adopted in order to receive or give the benefits of Reiki. Any previous spiritual practice that you have, will be strengthened as you become more and more familiar with the highly vibrational energy of Reiki.

Reiki can:
  • Improve your immune system,
  • Heal on the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual levels.
  • Heal past traumas and karmas and aid in preparing you for future events,
  • Help someone quit smoking or other bad habits,
  • Cleanse spaces and objects
  • Work on people who are unconscious or skeptical
  • Be sent across distances to affect healing on people who are far away from us.
I could list all the types of ailments that Reiki can help to heal, but because Reiki permeates everything in the universe, it's application can be used to reverse every kind of trauma. It can be applied, to people, places, things, animals and plants. So that list would be very long. It affects us on the physical level right down to our cellular structure and DNA. It reaches every deep corner of our minds, every untouched space in our hearts and the farthest away places in our souls.

What Reiki is not:
  • A religious practice
  • Psychic healing
  • Mysterious or miraculous
  • A substitute for medical advice
  • "Energy work" (no intention is to be sent by the Reiki healer nor is the healer to use thier own personal "ki")
In my eyes, Reiki Ho is more like a scientific endeavour. We all know that meditation is good for us, and we also know that there is an unseen force in the universe which calls on us from time to time to sit with it in peace and reverence. Reiki is simply the application of that force through clear mind of meditation to affect whatever changes are needed.
If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me by e-mail:

May all beings receive harmony, light and love.

- Whitney

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