Friday, January 8, 2010

Gendai Reiki Ho

This is Mr. Hiroshi Doi. He is the founder and supervisor of Gendai Reiki Ho.
The Japanese word, "Gendai" means "modern" in English. Mr. Doi's intention in creating Gendai Reiki Ho is to establish a modern system of Reiki that is simple enough for anyone to incorporate and practice in their daily lives, while remaining true to the traditional teachings of Mikao Usui. In this modern Reiki method, he has combined the techniques and traditions of both Traditional Japanese Reiki and Western Reiki. There is an emphasis on the traditional Japanese teachings. The motto of Gendai Reiki Ho is, "Ayashiku-nai, (Nothing questionable) okashiku-nai, (nothing odd) muzukashiku-nai, (nothing difficult).

In Gendai Reiki Ho, There are four levels of training. In the first level, called Shoden, we are attuned to Reiki and learn the basic healing and meditation techniques needed to heal our own bodies, and to start treating our friends and family.
In the second level, Okuden, we are introduced to the Reiki symbols, the meanings behind them and how to use them in distance healing as well as healing past and future events. At this level, our ability to heal with Reiki is increased as we learn Reiki strengthening meditation practices.
The third level, Shinpiden, is the first of the spirituality based levels. At this level, we begin to learn more advanced techniques to cultivate true happiness in our lives.
The last level, Gokuikaiden, is simply the master level. This is when we we learn to spread the light of Reiki to others by giving attunements. We continue to strengthen our own happiness with Reiki and be a master of our selves with Reiki before teaching it to others.
When one decides to begin on the path of Reiki, it is up to them to decide how far or deeply they want to take their own practice. Only the Shoden level is needed to begin healing ourselves and our friends and family. One can begin healing the very day that they are attuned. This may be enough for some, while others may feel called to continue to the next levels on the path of Reiki. It is entirely a personal journey.

May all beings give and receive love today.
- Whitney

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